I've been participating in some professional development for my teaching. I've been learning about Quest Atlantis a 3D virtual world where children (from all over the world) have been learning about their work through quests. Students are presented with problems they have to solve. When they have submitted their answers (usually in the form of a written text like an explanation or narrative) they are rewarded with 'money'. As they progress through they learn about all sorts of topics. I am finding this is a great way for students learn and it is engaging!
For more info check out http://quest-atlantis-teaching.wikispaces.com or http://questatlantisblog.org
I've also got a bunch more postcards to send off today as my contribution to 52 weeks of mail. I'll upload a picture!
I love the kangaroo wildlife postcard! Is there a way that I can get one? Kconcini@umd.edu let me know :) If you see a card you like on my blog i'll trade happylittlemailboxes@blogspot.com